Home Equity Loans

The "ANYTHING" Loan!!
Calculate Your Payment!Home equity loans are a convenient way to manage your debt level and payments, reduce your interest expense, set up a line of credit or arrange for the payment method that you prefer.
Select your payment method from payroll deduction or direct deposit, automatic transfer from your accounts, make your payment through Access Digital or Enhanced SmartLine audio response. Of course, you may always pay by mail or in person. In addition, your home equity loan may be tax deductible.*
We offer disability and life insurance payment protection plans on most of our loans. Call us or stop in at any convenient location and learn about the SeaComm home equity loan that is right for you.
Equity Advantage Line of Credit
Fixed Rate Home Equity
* Check with your tax advisor about any tax deduction.
** The rate may vary annually or quarterly based on the product selected and will be based on the highest Prime Rate as published in the Wall Street Journal on the last day of each month, effective the following day.